Movie Memorability

The Movie Memorability Dataset is a collection of movie excerpts and corresponding ground-truth files based on the measurement of long-term memory performance when recognizing small movie excerpts from weeks to years after having viewed them. It is accompanied with audio and video features extracted from the movie excerpts.

It is intended to be used for assessing the quality of methods for predicting the memorability of multimedia content. A detailed description of the dataset can be found in the article presenting the dataset (see below for citation) and on the dataset homepage.

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All documents and papers that report on research that uses the Movie Memorability Dataset must acknowledge the use of the dataset by including an appropriate citation to the following:

  • R. Cohendet, K. Yadati, N. Q. Duong and C.-H. Demarty. Annotating, understanding, and predicting long-term video memorability. In Proceedings of the ICMR 2018 Conference, Yokohama, Japan, June 11-14, 2018.