At aitribune, our goal is to provide high quality articles and tutorials that are both unique and compelling. So, we are always looking for AI enthusiasts to share some great articles and tutorials with our readers. Topics could cover any subcategories in AI.

In essence, if you like writing about AI related concepts, teaching people how to use programming for AI applications, or would like to express your opinion about AI topics, we want to talk with you.

What we look for in submissions

  • We publish only original, first-run submissions.
  • We are language agnostic: so you can write programming tutorials in any language that you are comfortable with.
  • We are huge advocates of open source movement: so you can write for almost any open source library that can be used for AI applications. At this time, we're not accepting content about closed-source or paid software.
  • Your submission should be technically accurate.
  • Your submission should be as clear and detailed as possible and should include detailed explanations of each step taken without making assumptions about the reader's background knowledge.

Why write for aitribune

With more than 80K followers on its social media network, aitribune is a great resource to promote your level of knowledge in different aspects of AI. Along with articles, we will publish your brief biography which includes a description about you, and a link to your website or social media profile.

Steps to publish on aitribune

Step 1: Get in touch: contact us and tell us what you plan to write about, we may ask for a writing sample that showcases your ability to explain your knowledge to others.

Step 2: Work with our editorial team: If you're accepted, our editorial team will work with you to get started on a topic and outline for your article or tutorial.

Step 3: Write: Now is time to write your article or tutorial.

Step 4: Revise: Submit your first draft and collaborate with our editorial team to revise your work.

Step 5: Publish: After revisions, your editor will help you to publish your article. aitribune will promote your article across all of our huge social media network.

Step 6: Repeat: Tell us what you want to write about next and repeat the above steps.

Legal Information

By submitting to aitribune you acknowledge that you accept our terms, and any form of editing that might occur on behalf of the aitribune editorial team. For copyright reasons, we can't reprint content that has already been published elsewhere.