Reach out to highly qualified Artificial Intelligence enthusiasts around the world
We offer different formats for advertisement, and you can choose the one that matches your needs.
Banner advertising: Banner of different sizes on all our inner pages. Place your ad in an uncluttered environment for higher CTRs.
Social media campaign: Posts on our social media network including LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook with more than 50K followers as of February 2023 for a period of one month. This package includes one direct LinkedIn message to all members of our group, and periodic posts on Twitter and Facebook about your products and services.
Job posting: Job posting on our website and social media network for a period of one month.
Our audience
Our website and its social media network attracts people who are interested in artificial intelligence technology from all around the world. Our social media network has more than 50K members (as of February 2023). Call us at +1 (305) 791 5599 or send us a message to inquire more information about how you can advertise with us.
Special thanks to our existing or previous advertisers on our network of websites.